03 noiembrie 2008

Instinct, SUA 1999, fragment

-What is this ?
-Not finished.
-What are you making here ?
-The true history of mankind. It's a true history. No fiction, no lie. Africa, two million years ago. Humans. Then they moved. Migrated. Ten thousand years ago, civilization. You.
-This is me ?
-Yeah, and me too. Us.
-"Takers". Who are the blue people ?
-They're tribal societies. Hunters, gatherers, planters. They never killed more animals than they could use. They never ploughed more land than they needed. They fought, but they never waged war. Never exterminated. They had a place in the world. And in the world, they were part of it. And they shared it. We changed all that.
-Now, what, are we supposed to change it back ? What are we supposed to do ? What, are we supposed to inbuilt the cities, wander off into the jungle ?
-A stupid, specious argument. You figure it out. I'm busy.

-You're a pain in the neck, Ethan.
-l know. Now get out...


-What ?
-We have only one thing to give up... our dominion. We don't own the world. We're not kings here, not gods. Can we give that up ? Too precious, all that control ? Too tempting, being a god ?

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